A yellow table with many different pills and capsules.

Vitamins + Supplements for Immunity

Here’s what to take and what to eat for immunity booster benefits.

What can you do to stay healthy and strong? Here’s what really works.

First, remember diet is key. (Of course I’ll say that…but really, it is!) Second, the biggie nutrients for keeping the immune system strong (as far as nutrition studies go) are: Vitamin C, Vitamin D, Zinc and Vitamin A.

Here’s the breakdown of each:

Vitamin C

Reviewing the latest studies, taking Vitamin C (2,000 mg per day) does help reduce the duration of colds, but does not prevent you from getting a cold.

Vitamin C Food Sources:

  • Guava
  • Papaya
  • Orange
  • Red/Yellow bell pepper
  • Kiwi
  • Kale
  • Broccoli
  • Brussels sprouts
  • Lemon
  • Strawberries
  • Tomato

Vitamin C Supplement Suggestions: We always prefer eating food over supplementation, but sometimes you just need some extra help. Our favorite Vitamin C supplement is Billy’s Infinity C made by Infinity Greens. We have some in office that you can pick up (message me), or you can order it here: https://infinitygreens.com/products/infinity-c

Vitamin D

Vitamin D Supplement Suggestions: Vitamin D deficiency may increase your chances of getting sick, so supplementing may counteract this effect. But, taking extra vitamin D when you already have enough, doesn’t give you any extra protection. Vitamin D should be taken in D3 form. It’s difficult to get enough D from foods and sunshine, so this is one nutrient where we rely on supplementation. We recommend getting vitamin D levels tested and supplement as needed with Vitamin D3. Again, we always have some you can pick up. Or message us and we can give you access to our online dispensary for shipping directly to you.


Like Vitamin C, adequate Zinc in your system does seem to reduce the duration of sickness.

Zinc Food Sources:

  • Meats
  • Shellfish
  • Chickpeas, lentils, beans
  • Hemp, pumpkin, sesame seeds
  • Cashews
  • Dairy (if tolerated)
  • Eggs
  • Quinoa, rice, oats
  • Dark chocolate

Zinc Supplement Suggestions: In my opinion, zinc should be taken in the combination of a multi vitamin as well as getting most of your zinc from food sources. This multi vitamin should be appropriate for your body–for example, men’s multi, women’s over 40 multi, etc. Message us if interested and we’ll give you access to the online dispensary for a personalized multi vitamin solution.

Vitamin A

Vitamin A Food Sources:

  • Sweet potatoes
  • Carrots
  • Fish/tuna
  • Winter squash
  • Dark leafy greens
  • Cantaloupe
  • Lettuce
  • Bell peppers
  • Pink grapefruit
  • Broccoli

Vitamin A Supplement Suggestions: In my opinion, Vitamin A should be taken in the combination of a multi vitamin that is appropriate for your body as well as from food sources–for example, men’s multi, women’s over 40 multi, etc. Message us if interested, and we’ll give you access to the online dispensary for a personalized multi solution.

For more info on making smarter food choices, contact our holistic nutritionists and learn about our customized bio-individual nutrition programs. Book a free 20-minute consultation with Healthy Nest Nutrition owner Robin Hutchinson to see if our programs are right for you.