new year

January’s Almost Over. How’s Your Diet Going?

Did you resolve to lose weight this year? If so, studies say you’re probably struggling by now. Here’s what to do to stick to that January diet.

Just four weeks ago, you resolved that this is the year you are going to lose weight, eat better and stick to an exercise routine. But, studies show there’s a 50% chance that you’ve already strayed from that plan and your January diet. By March, there’s an 80% chance that you’ve fallen back into your old ways, your earnest resolutions buried under stress, work, family responsibilities and social events. These numbers show that resolutions to be healthier are extremely hard to keep, in part because most people go about them in the wrong way.

So, if you feel you have failed or are failing at your new year resolutions, here’s what you should do:

Be gentle with yourself

No one is perfect. Telling yourself that you “are bad” or “made the wrong choice” will get you nowhere. Decide to speak positively to yourself as you would to a friend or loved one. What would you tell them if they were in your position? What would you suggest they do next?

Take it one step at a time

Instead of getting down on yourself for one night of chocolate cake and a few glasses (OK, a bottle) of wine, accept what happened, let it go, and see that the next day brings a whole day of new decisions. That is, new chances to choose a veggie omelet, kombucha, a kickboxing video and deep breathing. And after that next day, there are a whole week’s worth of choice’s, then a month’s worth, on and on. Your choices one night will become a distant memory, a minor detour, IF you accept them as that, don’t dwell on them, overanalyze them, or berate yourself for them (see #1).

Reach out for support

Remember, it’s OK to ask for help! What may have worked for you for part of your journey may not be what works for you for the rest of it. Sometimes just telling another person about your goal and the obstacles you’re facing will make you more accountable, be it your friend or your nutritionist. You may have hit a bump in your journey because you need more healthy recipes, meal prep tips, or simply another perspective on how to approach your daily choices.

The holistic nutritionists at Healthy Nest believe that you should strive for progress, not perfection. Ask for help when you need it! If you’ve been to us before, click here to schedule a 30-minute support session. If you’re new to us, click here to schedule a free, 20-minute phone consultation with a Healthy Nest holistic nutritionist.