A person writing on a meal plan

Why Meal Planning + Meal Prep is So Important

This is what happens when you’re NOT prepped.

Truth be told, I had a rough food week last week. Nothing was really that different for me. I kept to my normal work schedule. I was not overly scheduled with extra activities. I had food in the fridge to make. Yet the creative juices weren’t flowing, and I just wasn’t excited about cooking. So, I didn’t.

Here’s what happened:

  • By the end of the week, the scale had crept up by two pounds. UGH!
  • My meals weren’t as veggie-heavy as normal.
  • My meals weren’t that great tasting.
  • Dinner prep was much more stressful than usual because I didn’t have a plan.

When I’m not prepped for the beginning of the week, my food life crumbles and I just don’t eat as well. The worst part: I don’t feel as good as when I’ve spent a minute to figure out food for the week.

Does this ever happen to you?

Meal prep is a cornerstone for a healthy food routine, yet it can be hard to be consistent.

Food Habits: Hard to Make, Easy to Break

Through research, we know for sure that habits are made over time and need to be practiced and reinforced. We also know that bite-sized habits are easier when starting out a new routine and when you’ve FALLEN OFF your routine and need to get back to it. One of my mantras is “You’re one meal away from being back on track.”

Don’t Beat Yourself Up

Last week I listened to my mantra with intention, chose to make a salad with chicken–very simple greens, grilled chicken with lemon and olive oil and salt. It got me back on track. That led me to drink my water in the AM, take a 30-minute Peloton ride and prep for the next few days of dinners. It worked!

I could have had really awful self-talk going on last week, but I know enough that THAT really doesn’t help. It only keeps you down. So, instead, I just decided enough was enough and it was time to get back to it. The key phrase there is DECIDE. I decided and then I acted. And you can too.

For all of those that need to hear it: It’s time to get back to it. You’re only one meal away from being back on track.

Summer Recipe Inspiration
Take our Mediterranean Challenge

Thankfully, summer is the season that is easiest to get back on track. Salads with protein are everywhere, the crunch is welcome and there are some GREAT simple salads to throw together for lunch and dinner. We have been highlighting doable and delicious Mediterranean salads all month.

Join us and embrace the season’s raw veggies in some super interesting combos. Find recipes and follow along on the Healthy Nest Nutrition Instagram page.

For more help with meal prep and planning, contact our holistic nutritionists. Book a complimentary 20-minute consultation with Healthy Nest Nutrition owner Robin Hutchinson to see if our programs are right for you.