Holistic Nutrition Therapy

The Food & Focus Connection

Foggy brain? Difficult to concentrate?

What you’re eating could be impacting your ability (or your kid’s ability) to focus. 

The easiest way to control how we feel is to pay closer attention to what we eat. This includes controlling how our brains feel! What we eat has a huge impact on how we are able to focus, concentrate and learn, whether that be school for kids or jobs for adults.

How food affects concentration

Like it or not, what we eat affects our behavior. It’s a pretty straightforward equation actually; unbalanced sugar or glucose in our systems creates unstable moods, low concentration and energy peaks and valleys, making it very difficult to focus on any task. But, when our cells have the optimal amount of fuel, we feel good, can think straight and have the ability for sustained focus. In other words, when our fuel tanks are depleted, energy levels drop, which causes brain fog, irritability, low energy and increased distractibility. The trick is to keep our fuel tanks full for as long as possible during the day.

How to use food to improve focus

We are looking for sustained balance in energy to fuel our brains — so they can think, focus, concentrate and learn.

  1. Limiting sugar: White forms of sugar (white flour, sugar, pasta and rice) will help prevent constant blood sugar swings. Subbing complex carbohydrates like sweet potatoes or oatmeal for simple white carbohydrates and candy will assist with stabilizing blood sugar. Balanced sugar creates a calm environment for work, focus & learning.
  2. Choosing fruit: Fruit is nature’s candy, but its much better than fabricated candy. It is sweetness wrapped in fiber, so it’s a great slow release of sustained energy and fuel for the brain.
  3. Eating regularly throughout the day provides a constant stream of brain food. If you ‘lose it’ at 10 am and 3:00 pm, your body is screaming for a snack and more brain fuel. Choosing snacks foods in combination helps with sustained energy-think carrots and hummus, peanut butter with toast, or almond butter with apple.
  4. Hydrate the brain. Our brains and body need water. Don’t forget to drink water throughout the day.
  5. Eat fat: Our brains are made of a significant amount of fats. Please don’t be fat-phobic. Eat avocado or nuts.They are brain food and will help with concentration.

Get help from a holistic nutritionist

I hope these quick suggestions help. Maybe they are a good start to increasing focus and concentration. If you want more help, we encourage you to schedule a free 20-minute phone consultation with one of our nutritionists today!