A woman with her hand on her head.

Sugar + Mood Swings

Breaking the detrimental cycle of bad mood -> sugar high -> sugar low -> worse mood.

The physical problems caused by too much sugar are well researched and documented. In short, sugar causes inflammation and inflammation is a big cause of chronic health problems. But, sugar also causes mental health issues including mood swings and exacerbated anxiety and depression.

That sugary Starbucks drink gives us a sugar rush, but it also gives us a big sugar low. It’s that lull we have to worry about. There are studies suggesting that a greater sugar intake contributes to imbalanced moods – anxiousness, panicky feelings, increased risk of developing depression and a weakened ability to handle stress. It’s even said to diminished brain cognition. And it happens fast. Research shows that within 5 days of a higher sugar diet, you start experiencing negative mood/brain symptoms.

That pint of ice cream, cookie or bag of chips may sound like a good idea in the moment. But the ongoing cycle of bad mood -> sugar high -> sugar low -> worse mood is detrimental in the long term.

So, What Do We Do?

The answer: it’s not easy. We see lots of ads touting beautiful desserts and delicious looking French fries. And then there are the hidden sugars – sugars in tomato sauce, OJ, the white puffy baguette and even fruit.

Lowering sugar should be done with baby steps. Sugar withdrawals are a real thing and can cause fatigue, irritability, anxiousness or worse.

Work on quitting the processed bagged snacks and reach for old-fashioned real foods. It will take time, but as you dissect your choices, you can create a new plan that has less sugar and more healthy fat. Our brains like healthy fats.

Science-Backed Mood Boosting Foods

  • FISH (Omega 3s) – A tuna sandwich will make your brain happy
  • DARK CHOCOLATE has mood boosting and feel-good brain chemicals and flavonoids
  • FERMENTED FOODS, including naturally fermented pickles, kimchi and sauerkraut provide healthy bacteria in the gut, which helps to create serotonin, our feel-good neurotransmitter
  • BANANAS contain B6, which is a big contributor to dopamine and serotonin
  • OLD FASHIONED OATS are a great source of fiber (helps with good gut health) and a good source of iron, which is a common nutrient deficiency, and causes mood issues. Oats also help stabilize blood sugar swings, due to their fiber
  • BERRIES have lots of antioxidants, which combat internal stress, are a lower sugar sweet and pair well with nuts and seeds
  • NUTS & SEEDS are a rich source of plant-based fiber, protein and healthy fats and are a quick and easy pick-me-up

For more info on blood sugar balance, good energy or feeling your best through smarter food choices, please contact our holistic nutritionists. It’s a personal puzzle, but we can assist in figuring out what’s best for your body.

Read more on sugar issues and book a free 20-minute consultation with Healthy Nest Nutrition owner Robin Hutchinson.


Sci Rep. 2017; 7: 6287. Published online 2017 Jul 27. doi: 1038/s41598-017-05649-7

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