
You’ve Done a Cleanse. Now What?

The new year traditionally brings new commitment to health and wellness. Everyone is making resolutions and doing a cleanse. But what happens after you’ve done a cleanse?

Perhaps you’ve embarked on a challenging Whole 30 cleanse or other rigorous nutrition plan. You might be participating in Dry January, the post-holiday commitment to laying off all booze. Or maybe you are avoiding sugar for a month. All of these endeavors are very admirable. Of course, you’ll likely have to adapt (or curb) your social life, and you’ll spend a ton of time thinking about and planning your meals. But hey, it’s only a short while, right?

Many people who attempt cleanses believe the process will “reset” their bodies and establish healthier habits that will carry through the rest of the year.

That’s not really how it works.

Instead, we find that most people are so happy to get to the end of a food challenge, they don’t pay attention to what comes next. They bounce back to where they were very quickly.

Here are some common reasons why:

  1. People who feel better after a cleanse can’t pinpoint why. So when they are ready to relax their diets, they don’t know which rules to bend or to what degree.
  2. Cleansers may temporarily remove a problem food, but don’t know how to safely add it back in. Repairing the gut is an essential and often missed step in dealing with food intolerances.
  3. Sustainable, healthy eating involves a completely different approach than a short-term cleanse does. For long-term success, people have to learn how to eat every day for the rest of their lives, not just one month.

What Happens After Your Cleanse

If you’ve already committed to a cleanse, congratulations! You’ve recognized a need for change and are putting your health first. It’s our job at Healthy Nest to help with the next step. We’re here to help with the long-term effort necessary to achieve your goals and maintain your success. Two common goals for post-cleanse are long-term weight loss and digestive repair. We have answers for both.

Longterm Natural Weight Loss

The Healthy Nest Natural Weight Loss Program is a 6-week program designed to find your best diet. We work to find your personal optimal percentage of fats/carbs/proteins and the best foods for your body. Our motto here is “try easy,” and our program is fun, energizing and focused on fueling yourself well and accounting for celebration. The Healthy Nest Natural Weight Loss Program is a three-pronged comprehensive approach to weight loss. It covers “what to eat” thoroughly with menus, lots of recipes, grocery lists, grab and gos. We include a mindful-eating workbook to help you quit emotional eating. And we incorporate a significant and powerful accountability element. It is six weeks with 24 points of contact with your holistic nutrition coach.

Our digestive package, called Healthy Nest Digestive Repair & Build, is a 4-session, 2 month-long effort. It is designed to get to the bottom of your diet woes and determining the right foods for your body. This program focuses on which foods are serving you and which are creating pesky symptoms like bloating and other digestive discomfort, skin issues, foggy brain or other issues related to food sensitivity. This program is also supported plentifully with menus, grocery lists and lots of easy, delicious recipes as well as ideas for quick yet healthful eating.

SO, if you’ve done a cleanse, congrats! NOW, it’s time to work on a long-term solution.

To get started, schedule a 20-minute complimentary chat with one of our holistic nutritionists to see if a Healthy Nest program is right for you.