A woman holding her stomach in the middle of a room.

Proven Success: Natural Weight Loss for Body Confidence

Better Digestion. Less Bloating.
How our clients use Healthy Nest personalized nutrition programs to lose weight and keep it off.

Case Study
Client: Wendy (names have been changed for privacy) Stats: Female, late 50s, bloated at the end of every day. Digestion not working well. Wondering why foods that she used to eat, she cannot tolerate anymore. Exercises regularly, but has gained 15 pounds around the mid-section due to menopause transition, even though eating habits have not changed. Clothes don’t fit and it’s slowly getting worse and worse. Wendy is pescatarian.

Better digestion. Weight loss goal of 15 pounds and continued weight maintenance as a post-menopause lifestyle. Greater understanding of what is best to eat and how to exercise to support weight, health and longevity.

Repaired digestive issues, bloating is much better and Wendy was able to lose 1-2 pounds per week over 3 months and gain confidence and consistency going into the future.

Here’s what we did:
Digestion: Our digestion weakens as we age and life’s stressors catch up to us. Wendy needed a stomach breakdown boost. We replenished pancreatic digestive enzyme power as well as stomach acid power so that when she ate a salad, she had the enzymic ability to break down the fibers and food into nutrients. We did supplements for about 3 months to aid in digestion.

Portions: We eliminated out of control eating in the afternoons. Wendy was under-eating in the AM and overeating in the PM all the way to bedtime. She would undereat until about 3pm and then graze through dinner prep, dinner and after dinner. When she started having timed meals and snacks, that gave her confidence that more food would come through the day and less food was consumed at one time. But she wasn’t hungry or hangry. Working on food security via timed meals/snacks helped Wendy to eat balanced through the day. Protein + Fat at Each Meal: Eating protein with fat at each meal was super helpful for Wendy. She finally felt full and satisfied by her food and didn’t need to grab food between meals like she had been doing for years prior. Giving Wendy the know how to feel full was impactful and it allowed Wendy to get off the blood sugar roller coaster and eat for her body’s fuel. Magical Macros: Wendy’s macros ended up being 15% carbs, 55% fat, 30% protein. Proteins were both plant and animal and 30% protein meant she had to plan at least one snack to be protein rich (hard-boiled eggs, smoothies, etc.) Carbohydrates primarily came from varied colorful veggies (summer’s bounty helped keep it interesting) and her preferred fat choices were smoked salmon, crab cakes, white fish, lots of olive oil, avocado, and nuts/seeds. Changed Up Exercise: Wendy continued doing yoga and walking as her regular exercise. And added some strength resistance band training to her routine for gentle weight-bearing exercise.

Hydration: Lemon water + teatime! Wendy supported her digestive firepower by starting each water bottle with lemon AND regularly added afternoon tea with her PM snack. This helped keep the bloat away, added hydration and allowed her to slow down and enjoy her much-needed PM snack. Help in the Kitchen: Wendy’s husband was the primary cook and we put him to work so that when Wendy opened the fridge, she had delicious options at the ready.

Salads for Lunch: Wendy’s go-to regular lunch was either tuna salad or egg salad lettuce wraps. When she got tired of that, she would meal prep big salads with hard-boiled eggs or smoked salmon for the week with lots of delicious dressing.

Wendy’s successful lifestyle habit changes:
Protein and fat-rich meals Eating more often and on a regular schedule no matter how busy she is or if she is traveling. Wendy still follows her calorie and macro goals closely using MyFitnessPal. Salads for lunch most days. Teatime is not to be missed! Adding in some strength training has been helpful for Wendy to regain her waist. At Healthy Nest Nutrition, we are all about digging to find your issues and creating habits and lifestyle changes that are sustainable, do-able and delicious.

Our Natural Weight Loss Program’s low and slow philosophy allows you to create your new habits and then solidify them over time as you lose pounds. When you’ve completed the weight loss piece, you’ve also created the lifestyle piece, seamlessly. Works like a charm and we’re proud of it.

Reach out and see if our programs are right for you. Schedule a free consult with a holistic nutritionist.