A woman with blue eyes holding up a watermelon.

Preparation is Key to Health Goals

The better prepared you are for your food life, the more successful you’ll be. Healthy Nest Nutrition clients live this. Better prepped, better outcomes. Every damn day! Preparation is key to reaching health goals. Here’s why.

To us, being prepped means that you’ve thought about the week and the individual days and individual meals. You’ve picked recipes for breakfast and snacks and a couple for lunch and dinner and figured out what you feel like making. You’ve made a grocery list and shopped (or had food delivered, or ordered a meal prep, or ordered finished dinners). If necessary, you’ve washed, chopped, spiced, sautéed and roasted ahead of time.

Preparation Key: Schedule Food Prep Time

If you can take some of the “What’s for _____ (fill in the blank…breakfast, snack1, lunch, snack2, dinner) stress out of your food life, you will have a far better chance at eating on your plan.

Preparation Key: Prep Your Food for a Successful Week

Set aside time to: Think -> Plan -> List -> Shop/Deliver -> Wash, Chop, Fix -> Package -> Repeat

Healthy Nest Nutrition Food Prep Resources

We have lots of resources to make this an easy and successful practice. There are routines that are put in place. We help you create structure in your food life so you don’t get stuck without delicious choices that fit your plan. Help comes in many forms. Suggestions for done meals, lots of yummy recipe ideas, menus, quick and easy flavor help, planning time in session and loads more. We are good at this piece. It’s an important piece because it’s every damn day!

Reach out for a free 20-minute phone consultation today to see if Healthy Nest is right for you. For healthy recipe ideas and meal planning tips, visit our blog at healthynestnutrition.com/blog.