Listen to Your Body: What Does it Need?
A series on tuning in and alleviating pesky issues.
As a nutrition therapist, I am part detective, part coach, part therapist and part foodie. Today, I’d like to focus on the detective part.
We rarely talk about this aspect of nutrition therapy. But I believe that our bodies talk and it’s my job to listen and suggest foods based on what it’s saying. This is a very important part of nutrition consultations at Healthy Nest Nutrition. I was reminded of this recently when my kiddo came to me complaining about cracked lips on the corners of his mouth. This is one that I see quite often in practice, so I knew exactly what to do. Incorporate more B vitamin foods, take a B complex, add more healthy fat and less inflammatory foods. It works. From the inside outside.
Over the next several weeks, I’d like to try to highlight some of the more common ailments, and identify and share what nutrient deficiency it ties to. I’ll give you some food suggestions to try to alleviate these pesky internal issues. This will be entirely food focused, of course.
Please follow us on Facebook or Instagram @healthynestnutrition. We’ll be posting important info to give you a better understanding of why food matters. We’ll hit the details that you might be missing for your personal issues and give you super quick and easy ways to get more vitamins and minerals in your meals to make sure you DON’T have body problems or nutrition deficiencies.
And, of course, please come see us. We’re happy to talk through your food issues and find your best diet. Book a free consultation call with a holistic nutritionist and let’s get started.