gut health

Imbalanced Gut Bacteria and Weight Loss

The Healthy Nest Philosophy

At Healthy Nest, our natural weight loss philosophy centers around finding “your best diet.” We aim for our clients to lose one to two pounds per week, but sometimes it doesn’t go according to plan. When weight stubbornly stays in place, what do we do? Well, we look to other factors such as hormone imbalances and issues with gut bacteria (the gut microbiome).

Imbalanced Gut Bacteria

Our gut is the mid-section of our bodies that includes our small and large intestines. Gut bugs (also called gut bacteria, microbiome or gut flora) refers to a variety of bacteria that populate primarily our large intestines. If your gut microbiome is imbalanced (unfriendly outweighing friendly), it may be cause for stubborn weight or weight gain. Current scientific research studies support that beneficial gut bacteria may play a powerful role in weight regulation (see sources below). So, what you eat actually impacts the health and balance of your gut bugs.

To help support the growth of healthy microbes in your gut, eat a wide variety dark-colored, lower sugar fruits (think berries), lots and lots of vegetables (6-9 servings a day is a good goal), some ancient or whole grains and naturally fermented foods like low-sugar yogurt and live-probiotic or live-enzyme sauerkraut, kimchi or pickles.

Pill Probiotics

Probiotics are filled with live bacteria that can help restore the gut to a healthy state. Scientists believe that certain probiotics may inhibit the absorption of dietary fat, meaning that more fat will be excreted when you naturally eliminate. In other words, you absorb fewer calories from the foods in your diet. The Lactobacillus family works this way. The strain Lactobacillus gasseri shows the most promising effects on weight loss, including reduced body weight, belly fat, fat around organs, BMI, waist size and hip circumference. Lactobacillus fermentum, Lactobacillus amylovorus and Lactobacillus rhamnosus also reduces body fat & has proven to accelerate weight loss and weight maintenance.

Need Help?

If you’re dealing with stubborn weight loss and you feel like your gut imbalance might be an issue, it might be time to tweak your diet and start a probiotic supplement. We can help. Reach out for a complimentary consultation to see if Healthy Nest is right for you.