Gluten Intolerance and Sensitivity
How do you know if you suffer from gluten intolerance and sensitivity? Here’s what we’ve found.
When I eat gluten-containing foods, I get foggy-headed and my joints ache. That’s my experience.
Clients come to Healthy Nest Nutrition every week with possible gluten intolerance. They have a myriad of different problems, seemingly unrelated, but very distressing. There are many different gastro intestinal issues (cramping, bloating, constipation, diarrhea), skin issues, balance issues, focus and concentration problems, reading and writing struggles, migraines and more. Gluten proteins are rather large and cause inflammation. It’s the inflammatory reaction that actually causes the associated issues.
Once you identify a gluten intolerance and sensitivity, it’s rather easy to steer clear of gluten-containing foods once you can easily identify them. Skip the pasta, bagels and cereal and choose more whole grains like brown or black rice, quinoa, buckwheat and millet. They are a bit out of the ordinary, but better for you and very tasty.
It may be that making different choices alleviates your crazy set of symptoms. If you’d like to know for sure, I use a simple blood draw test to check for gluten sensitivity and intolerance. It checks other foods as well. I also use the elimination/provokation food test and can guide you through that process. Taking out the problematic foods should minimize your problems.
Please contact Healthy Nest Nutrition if you think gluten is contributing to your distress. Finding out what you’re reacting to can be a game changer. It might be gluten. For many it is.