Should You Choose a Gluten-Free Diet?
How do you know if you should choose a gluten-free diet? Let’s look at the science.
Celiac vs. Gluten Sensitivity
According to Dr. Tom, and many other experts, gluten sensitivity causes inflammation in the gut, as well as many other issues. It is when gluten sensitivity progresses that it becomes celiac disease.
Celiac Disease is a Common Problem
Celiac Disease is one of the most common lifelong disorders in both Europe and the US, according to the New England Journal of Medicine. This is not a small problem, if you lump celiac with gluten sensitivity, it is an enormous problem.
The Facts About Celiac Disease
Celiac Disease is a much greater problem in the U.S. than ever recognized in the past. Its prevalence has been underestimated, but it is now considered one of the most common genetic disorders in the world.
This is an autoimmune disorder which affects genetically predisposed individuals upon the ingestion of wheat.
With few exceptions, research has shown an increased risk of death in celiac disease.
Every time the disease is clinically diagnosed in an adult, that person has for decades had disease in a latent or silent stage.
The majority of Celiac patients had visited 5 or more doctors prior to diagnosis…and it had taken an average of 5 to 10 years, after initial presentation, for Celiac Disease to be diagnosed.
Multiple studies suggest that patients with celiac disease should be on a gluten-free diet, whether or not they have symptoms or associated conditions.
Most Common Signs & Symptoms
The most common system of the body impacted by gluten sensitivity is not the gut, it’s the brain. Ever wake up feeling like you’re in a ‘Brain Fog’? Can’t think clearly and you don’t know what to attribute it to? It may be that you have a sensitivity to gluten.
Research on Gluten Sensitivity
Patients with non-villous atrophy Gluten Sensitivity are more likely to have negative blood tests. (Proceedings of the Nutrition Society.
Those with inflammation may have an overall worse prognosis than those with villous atrophy, because it’s a lot harder to determine.
Very few doctors think to treat inflammation in the intestines because the symptoms are not obvious, and aren’t tied directly to gastrointestinal problems.
Gluten sensitivity is regarded as principally a disease of the small bowel is a historical misconception and is a systemic autoimmune disease with diverse manifestations.
Do you have any of the following complaints?
A gluten-free diet may restore your health, and eliminate your problems.
Abdominal Complaints
Abdomen Tender to Touch
White Blood Cells in the Stool
Diarrhea/Constipation Comes and Goes
Any Autoimmune Disease
Pants Feel Tight After Eating
Foggy Brain
Signs of Intestinal Permeability (other foods don’t ‘agree’ with you)
I know I feel WAY better on a gluten-free diet. When I eat gluten I get a foggy head AND joint pain—but no stomach issues. I’ve been gluten-free for 7 years.
I’m happy to help you try a gluten-free diet. Reach out today for a complimentary consultation with a holistic nutritionist. We’re here to help.