food intolerance

How to Identify Food Intolerance and Sensitivity

Here’s how to help determine if you’re dealing with food intolerance and sensitivity.

Full elimination of a food group with a systematic provoking of the ‘suspect’ food group is a VERY good way to go, and my preferred test. Blood testing is also a reliable way to go. But, If you don’t want to venture down those roads, there is another way.

Quick & Easy Food Intolerance Test

Sometimes, NOT ALWAYS, if you rub a ‘suspect’ food on your wrist before you go to bed, it may show a reaction in the morning.  If YOU DO have a reaction, or a red patch of skin,  you have an immune reaction (IgE antibody reaction) to the offending food.  If you don’t have a reaction in the morning, you are not reacting (again, IgE antibody reaction). That quick and dirty test does not give you all of the answers you are looking for, but it does give you a slice of information on how the immune system reacts to a particular food.  Common foods to to this wrist test with are:  gluten (in bread), dairy products, soy products, corn products & eggs.

Don’t be fooled, this is not the whole story.  Just because you do not have a wrist reaction to a food, doesn’t mean it is OK for you.  This test is to check for immediate-onset reaction and NOT delayed onset reaction which is IgG antibodies.  So, understand there is more to look at, but this is a good start.

If you have more questions, please reach out to Healthy Nest Nutrition. We can further the conversation on food intolerance & sensitivity.  If you are reacting, you may want to fully eliminate the offending food for the 2-3 period, and then provoke to see if there is a reaction.  Also, we can blood test to see how your white blood cells react to the proteins or the entire food.

We are happy to try to help figure out your issues. Reach out today to connect with a holistic nutritionist and see if Healthy Nest Programs are right for you.