dark chocolate super food

Why You Should Eat More Chocolate 

Dark chocolate is a super delicious super food packed with benefits.

Chocolate is my favorite super food. It’s considered a super food because chocolate contains lots of antioxidants and minerals. The health benefits are primarily associated with dark chocolate (70% cocoa or higher). Milk and white chocolate contain less cocoa and fewer nutrients.

Free Radical Warriors: Flavanols + Polyphenol Antioxidants

Chocolate contains high amounts of heart-protective flavanols, which are plant chemicals derived from cocoa beans that protect cells from damage caused by free radicals. Flavanols increase blood flow and can help lower blood pressure and reduce inflammation. This means that it prevents bad cholesterol from building up around the artery walls and clogging blood flow. All good things for the body.

Vitamins + Minerals 

Dark chocolate contains magnesium, iron, phosphorus, copper, zinc and fiber — all great for overall health and digestion.

A 100-gram bar of dark chocolate with 70–85% cocoa contains:

  • 11 grams of fiber, which is a good amount. 
  • 66% of the Daily Value (DV) for iron, a very good source of iron.
  • 57% of the DV for magnesium-high amounts.
  • 196% of the DV for copper-high amounts.
  • 85% of the DV for manganese-a great amount.

Dark chocolate also has plenty of potassium and selenium.

NOTE: 100 grams (3.5 ounces) is a fairly large amount of chocolate and not something you should be eating every day. These nutrients also come with 600 calories and moderate amounts of sugar. BUT, a little dark chocolate every day can be a good thing.

Dark Chocolate’s Benefits

Dark chocolate’s goodness has been studied a lot. We know it helps functioning all around the body. Here are the highlights:

Heart Health: Dark chocolate may improve blood pressure, reduce bad cholesterol (LDL), and increase good cholesterol (HDL).

Antioxidant Power: Dark chocolate is one of the richest sources of antioxidants, providing a potent shield against oxidative stress.

Cognitive Function: Flavonoids enhance memory, improve focus, and protect against age-related cognitive decline.

Mood Boost: Chocolate contains theobromine, a stimulant that can release endorphins and improve mood.

A Note About Dark Chocolate Impurities

Of late, there has been new information on how some chocolate may contain heavy metals. It is important to eat good quality chocolate to avoid anything that sneaks into the product. Added fillers, chemical preservatives, lots of sugar and other impurities are not great for us. Enjoy the natural goodness from a good quality piece of chocolate. Don’t overdo it and hopefully your body’s natural detoxification system will be able to deal with any impurities.

Our Favorite Dark Chocolate Bars

Hu Chocolate Bars: Delicious, creamy + clean 

Chocolove Chocolate Bars: Smooth, semisweet Belgian chocolate

I personally like the almonds and sea salt. So yummy!

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