baby carrots

Are Mini Carrots Considered Clean Eating?

We asked around and did some research on whether mini carrots are considered clean eating. We found some surprising facts.

One of the stumbling blocks to a clean eating routine is that sometimes you just want or need food that is fast, easy and already prepared…by someone else. Sometimes, you don’t have time for the 30-minute meal prep. Maybe you only have 5 minutes. It can be hard to find real food that takes 5 minutes to prepare. My philosophy is that it’s best to prepare food ahead of time so that you can grab it when life gets crazy (and our programs are designed to teach you how to integrate food prep into your busy lifestyle).

But, when really in a pinch, I advise my clients looking for a grab-and-go snack to avoid packaged food and instead choose healthier options such as fresh produce. But what if the distinction isn’t so clear? For instance, more than once a client has asked me: Are baby carrots OK?

Where do baby carrots come from? 

Carrots in general are a great whole-food, clean-eating option. A serving is about eight baby carrots, which contain 2.5 grams fiber and more than double the daily recommended vitamin A, which is a great antioxidant.

A LOT of carrots are grown at Grimmway Farms in California. They are the the largest grower, producer and shipper of carrots in the world. Now, Grimmway Farms grows carrots…not mini carrots. Baby carrots aren’t born that way. Two-inch baby carrot pieces are cut from full-grown, young carrots. Baby carrots aren’t peeled; they get buffed and polished in a large tumble drum.

The wetness in the bag is filtered tap water to keep carrots hydrated. When a white-ish outer surface appears on carrots this is called “blushing” and indicates that the surface is becoming dehydrated.

Are baby carrots clean?

Baby carrots are cleaned using water that contains some chlorine for food safety. The amount of chlorine in is lower than the FDA allows. Grimmway (the producer of many baby carrots) actually does a final stage fresh-water rinse to reduce the amount of residual chlorine on the carrot. To keep all of this in perspective, tap water out of your kitchen sink has some chlorine, too. Turns out, the baby carrots really are a great grab and go option for busy people.

What about dip?

My favorite whole-food, clean-eating dip is called Bitchin’ Sauce. It’s available at some Whole Foods and Natural Grocers locations in a pinch (the chipotle flavor is my favorite). Like most things, it’s even better when you make it fresh yourself, so give this homemade version a try.

Interested in a whole food, clean eating lifestyle? Reach out to Healthy Nest Nutrition’s holistic nutritionists. Our programs include one-on-one consultations, menu plans and detailed road maps to help you achieve your goals.

Book a 20-minute complimentary phone consultation to determine if working with a holistic nutritionist is right for you.