sugar holidays

How to Avoid the Sugar Trap of the Holidays

Why do we need to celebrate the holidays with LOTS of SUGAR? Here’s how to avoid the sugar trap of the holidays.

Sugar and winter holidays go together…but is it possible to celebrate the holiday season without adding a thick layer of sugary celebration? Here’s how to avoid the sugar trap.

Given that we KNOW for certain that sugar has a negative impact on our bodies, AND we know for sure that the body needs the amount of sugar that we give it on a daily basis, AND we know that we get addicted to sugar, why is it a given that we ‘celebrate’ with sugar-laden foods including cookies, candy, and lots of liquor.

Afterward, we make lofty resolutions around sugar, better eating habits and weight loss.  We do this because the time comes quickly after the holidays to curtail the indulgence of the last month.  BUT, we can’t stick with it, because we’re addicted to sugar and it is hard to change our desires to eat it.

Holiday Habits

We have all grown up eating lots of sugar around the holidays, so that is what we do.  It’s time to reframe our expectations and habits with sugar while celebrating the holidays.  Shouldn’t Christmas and Hanukah and all of the rest of the winter holidays be about community, happiness, and connection?  What does that have to do with sugar?  Sugar harms the body and causes disease. (See the research below for more detail on this.)  I think we need to STOP the habit at home, the office, during parties, as gifts.  It’s time to get creative.  What else can you bring to a party?  A candle?  A good book or a movie?  A toy for a child instead of cookies?  Even natural sweetness like in-season fruits, delicious winter comfort foods AND cultivate other norms, habits & activities for celebration.


While transitioning….choose a small piece of dark chocolate—where you get slight sweetness & some powerful antioxidants.

During parties, choose kombucha or club soda or seltzer with lemon or lime as a replacement.  Both have minimal to no sugar and you can still have a drink in your hand.

It’s time to put sugar in its place.  It is harmful to our bodies, and doesn’t deserve a place at the celebration table!

If you have issues with sugar, we have plans to curb your appetite! We’ll help you transition to a better, healthier diet solution.  Connect with our holistic nutritionists for a complimentary conversation to see if diet changes are appropriate for you.